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How to Change Voice Quick Chat V0.12 PUBG Mobile Loli Wibu Complete Japanese Voice

How to Change Voice Quick Chat V0.12 PUBG Mobile Loli Wibu Complete Japanese Voice - how to create a quick voice chat on pubg moile is very easy, actually this time it's rather difficult, where the pubg mobile mobilen on April 20th held a small update that changed their system

yep this time I want to share just to overcome the custom quick voice chat japan / korea lost in pubg mobile but this time only one that was pubish according to the many who chose to upload pubg mobile voice chat in Japan loli.
File : Via Mediafire 

you guys look good, yes, if anyone doesn't understand, please just me, I will help as soon as possible, for the download link and tutorial, just go straight to this link, check the description too, so that I can be more clever :)