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Source Code Pubg Mobile Voice Chat Ishikawa YUI A Global Version

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README :backup original quick voice chat Ishikawa YUI A/石川由依 A complete... for new update this VC go to link below www.youtube.com/c/faranramdan OR yukisore.blogspot.com / Yukisore

e7 fb 01 = im going
e8 fb 01 = ill cover u
e9 fb 01 = lets go
ea fb 01 = ill take the back
eb fb 01 - theres an anbush play it safe
ec fb 01 = form up
ed fb 01 = help
ee fb 01 = spreadout
ef fb 01 = get in the room
f0 fb 01 = charge
f1 fb 01 = cover me
13 fc 01 - ineed gun
14 fc 01 = enemy
16 fc 01 = dont shot
19 fc 01 = get down
1d fc 01 = dont rush
25 fc 01 = stay low
26 fc 01 - crunch down
27 fc 01 = enemy ahead
2b fc 01 = i got a gun

c1 ff 01 =  flank kiri
c2 ff 01 =  flank kanan

f2 fb 01 = fall back to savezone
f3 fb 01 = fall back
f4 fb 01 = head toward the mark
f5 fb 01 = get the savezobne asap
f6 fb 01 = search for vicele
f7 fb 01 = form up on me
f8 fb 01 = rettret
f9 fb 01 = get the air drop
fa fb 01 = you gutys go ahead ill look for vichele
fb fb 01 = go straight in
15 fc 01 = get in the car
17 fc 01 = danger ahead
18 fc 01 = pull over, block the bridge
1c fc 01 = get bihind me
1f fc 01 = ill drive
20 fc 01 = leave the air drop
21 fc 01 = get cover
22 fc 01 = run along the edges of zone

fc fb 01 = hold in dont move
fd fb 01 = exelent work
fe fb 01 = im realy sorry
ff fb 01 = not a problem
00 fc 01 = hold i dont fire
01 fc 01 = same team
02 fc 01 = stay alert
03 fc 01 = i nee madicine
04 fc 01 = i nee ammo
05 fc 01 = i have ammo
06 fc 01 = i need a scope
07 fc 01 = keep quite
08 fc 01 = there can only be one winner let go
1a fc 01 = get in the savezone and use sone meds
1b fc 01 = get in the zone and get down
1e fc 01 = i got your back
28 fc 01 = i got su0pplie
29 fc 01 = i got meds
2a fc 01 = i got a scope
2d fc 01 = brimngs up voice chat

This is My File Backup : Via MediaFire
Pw : renavara

thank you for your respect and for give me suggest or if i mistake please comment in comment column